Reconnective Healing® & The Reconnection®

Heartlight Healing

Copyright 2013. Heartlight Healing. All rights reserved.

Our facilities


Founder of Reconnective Healing and
​The Reconnection

+1-707-953-9934.  I would truly love to share the opportunity for you to attain health and balance on all levels with Reconnective Healing. Changes may happen instantaneously during our healing session or shortly thereafter. Imagine feeling dramatic improvement to your own body, mind, emotions and spirituality. Think of how this can help your loved ones and even your  pets.  I would also be honored to facilitate your two-session Reconnection which assists you in finding  your own life path and can accelerate your evolution to expanded levels of consciousness and well-being.

Heartlight Healing has two locations in Northern California in Windsor and in Santa Rosa. You will lie comfortably, fully clothed, on a massage table in a beautiful healing room where you can relax and allow the magic to work, as is appropriate for you personally.

Reconnective Healing can also be done by distance, so you may remain in the comfort of your own home, if you wish.

If you have any questions or need any information, please call 707-953-9934.

As a Reconnectve/Reconnection practitioner I have been personally trained by Dr. Eric Pearl and was honored to become the first Associate Instructor of The Reconnection, and I love sharing this work.  I am in awe of this powerful work and feel very honored to have experienced so much growth and to have witnessed seemingly miraculous miracles healings quite often. I am very experienced and professional, so you can feel confident and at ease if this is your first experience with this type of healing work.


During the '80s and '90s, I held the high- stress occupation of a court reporter. I also had scoliosis and other health challenges, and, after seeking traditional help,  looked to alternatives.  I experienced  a dramatic healing in 2000 at a Reconnective Healing seminar. Ever since, I have been teaching and facilitating Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection for thousands of people worldwide, helping to awaken them to their full potential for healing and evolution. If you'd like more information or have  questions, do not hesitate to call me at

Patrice fistor-jaehnig

Finding Your Path